Don't Waste All Your Hard Work
Generally, there is no accounting for taste. But in the digital marketing world, things work somewhat unusual. There are metrics for assessing whether a design is appealing to the end-users or not. One of those metrics is A/B Testing, it compares two different design based on their conversion rate.
We all work so hard and spend a lot of money to bring traffic to our websites. We do SEO, SEM, Affiliate Marketing, Backlinks, Keyword Research, Targeting, etc. But the website traffic is not by itself sufficient to bring success to a marketing campaign. Most of the time, we expect website visitors to perform a desired action on the website. Whether it is purchasing a product, making a reservation, or just clicking the right button. As digital marketing specialists, WE have to make sure that customers fulfill that.
Monitoring Behavior
We cannot force people to perform that action, but we can motivate them. We can monitor customer behaviors to create more realistic and more customer-oriented marketing campaigns.
Creating a website or e-mailing is just the first step of a good marketing strategy. To convert traffic into sales, we should continually optimize the design. Such optimization should not be random. It should be based on the actions and the desires of the customers.
What is A/B Testing?
As such A/B testing focuses on a singular element of the design. It tests whether that particular element has an impact on the conversion rate. Using A/B testing aids digital marketing specialists to determine which of the marketing strategies to follow.
For instance, the best way to determine whether you should make your Call to Action button green or red is to A/B test. Show half of your audience the red button and show the other half the green one, measure which gets more interaction, and use that one in your following designs.
Should You Use A/B Testing?
If you want to increase your sales, prospect leads, or just want to boost your traffic, you should definitely use A/B testing. It is beneficial for e-commerce businesses, press, etc. To make your website visitors to take specific actions such as; clicking somewhere, read something, view something, you need A/B testing.
Because without A/B testing, you would just wander around in the darkness. And if there is any momentary success in your design, it would be just mere luck! It could not be warranted whether that specific design or strategy will preserve its success in the future. Or next time you create a marketing campaign, there will be a strike.
In short, if you want to have successful marketing campaigns based on customer behaviors, you can use A/B testing. A/B testing is based on facts and statistics. By using statistics on your marketing campaign, not only you preserve your past accomplishments, but you can increase your chances of having more fruitful campaigns in the future.