Do you have a purpose for your customer?
A great website always meets what customer needs and wants from the business. You need to detect what kind of purpose your customer has such as if she/he comes for information or interaction. Every single page of the website should explain itself with simple and realistic purpose and match the demand of the clients for the website users in the most efficient alternative.
Is your website simple and easy to use/navigate?
Exaggerating the web design will make your customers tired when they surf on your website. Putting too much content or image on the website might cause customer to get distracted and thus, the web site gets away from its main purpose. Like everything else, you will get positive results of the simplicity on your web design. Simple web design of your site is not only great, it also assists the clients to navigate the website that will ease to jump from one page to another seamlessly. The short answer what you get from this is not to make customers frustrated by over-designing the non-purposive website and keep them simple. Therefore, you need to keep it simple as customer will enjoy seamless experience of easy-to-use website.
Is your website SEO friendly?
If your website is not built with a search engine friendly infrastructure, it will only be visited by employees and your relatives. However, the main purpose of the website is to find new customers and to provide easy access to your services. There are many tools you can use to find out if your website is suitable for SEO. With our easy-to-use Pera Web Site Builder, you can create your on-page SEO strategy for introducing seamless experiences for your customers.
Is your website mobile friendly?
The number of individuals who access the Internet from mobile devices worldwide is more than 5 billion. Considering that 60-70 percent of web searches are made on mobile devices today, the mobile optimization and design of websites should not be underrated. In addition, the popularity of smartphones, tablets etc. are rising sharply and thus, web design has to be friendly for some sort of devices with screens. For that reason, you must not lose the war in the internet market if you do not have supportive updates for all sizes of screens.
What is my page speed all about?
Site speed stands out as another issue that is emphasized in terms of both search engines and user experience. Users do not like to spend time on websites with low speed, and search engines put websites with slow speed in the background.
How is the content on your own website?
You should prepare the content that will support the aesthetic interface specific to your website and enter it in your site. However, at this point, there is an issue that you need to pay attention to. All content specific to your website should be original and in accordance with the spelling rules. It should not be forgotten that imitations will harm your website in terms of both search engines and user experience.
The biggest mistake people encountered while making a website was that the contents were retrieved from the internet using the copy and paste method (not original). Check the license status and authenticity of the photos you will use. If possible, just let them see your website. So creativity is an important factor. This will significantly positively affect your position in search engines.
How my fonts should be?
It is not doubt that text rules all the rules for the website because the content is one of the main sources that encourages people to buy your business’ products and services. When you consider the aim of why you have decided to go online and designed the website that is provide your services and products, you need to have a clear content that customer will understand and take up your product seriously. For this, you must avoid using fonts that are complicated to read such as too much content or complex fonts. You must get attention to decide on fonts that are simple and easy-to-read. You can choose up to 2 fonts that are matched.
How your images on the website should be?
You need to be very careful when the images used on the pages are related to the site. The image quality of the pictures placed on the site must be perfect and the greatest picture should be put on the web site. Browsers may not open the image on every computer that might luckily open on ours. Therefore, images compatible with every computer and browser with web page extensions JPG, JPN, GIF must be used. In addition, 39 percent of internet users leave a website if the image does not open or if it opens late when they enter a website, and they take care not to visit it again, according to a study by Adobe. Likewise, the problem of not opening or opening late in the images is an element that is accepted as a problem by search engines. It is necessary to show the necessary sensitivity to the visuals on the website for both users and search engines.
How I should fix colors on the website?
Color design is one of the most significant facts of website design. It is one of the main points that points the quality of the design in the website. Too much color causes confusion as it will bore and tire customers that cause them not to buy your product or service visitors will not be satisfied if excessive and incompatible colors are used. The colors to be used in the site logo can be selected as the main colors of the site. Certain colors make navigation easier on the site and make the web site look simpler and attract customers.